Most Frequently Hit Roulette Numbers

From The Grapes of Math: How Life Reflects Numbers and Numbers Reflect Life, by Alex Bellos. Copyright © 2014 Alex Bellos. Excerpted with permission by Simon & Schuster.
One response to numbers is affection. After counting, calculating and quantifying with our numerical tools it is common to develop feelings for them. Jerry Newport, for example, loves some numbers like friends. I had not realized the depth of our collective number love, however, until I conducted an online experiment, asking members of the public to nominate their favorite numbers and explain their choices. I was taken aback not only by the level of interest—more than 30,000 people took part in the first few weeks—but also by the variety and tenderness of the submissions: 2, because the respondent has two piercings; 6, because the sixth track on the respondent’s favorite albums is always the best song; 7.07, since the respondent used to always wake up at 7:07 AM, and once her shopping added up to $7.07 in front of the cute cashier at her local shop; 17, because that’s how many minutes the respondent takes to cook rice; 24, because the respondent sleeps with her left leg kicked out like a 4 and her boyfriend sleeps like a 2 on his side; 73, known to fans of The Big Bang Theory as the ‘Chuck Norris of numbers’, because the main character, Sheldon Cooper, points out that it is the 21st prime number, and its mirror 37 is the 12th; 83, because it sounds good to exaggerate with, as in ‘I must have done it 83 times!’; 101, because it is the lowest whole number with an ‘a’ in it; 120, because it is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10, providing the respondent with sufficient numbers to count up and down to get to sleep; 159, because it is the diagonal on a phone keyboard; 18,912, because its cadence makes it ‘the most beautiful sounding number in the world’; and 142,857, the phoenix number, because its first six multiples are well-ordered numerical anagrams of itself:
142857 × 1 = 142857
142857 × 2 = 285714
142857 × 3 = 428571
142857 × 4 = 571428
142857 × 5 = 714285
142857 × 6 = 857142
142857 × 7 = 999999
‘Having a favorite number means that you get a little buzz every time you happen to be sitting in seat 53 on a train, or notice that the time is 09:53,’ wrote one respondent. ‘I can’t think of a reason not to have a favorite number.’
With the caveat that the survey was voluntary and self-selecting, a bit of fun rather than rigorously undertaken academic research, the data revealed fascinating patterns in favorite number choices.
Firstly, the span of our number hug is huge: 1123 individual numbers from 30,025 submissions. There were votes for every whole number between 1 and 100, and 472 of the numbers between 1 and 1000. The lowest whole number that failed to pick up any votes was 110. Surely the world’s least-loved number?
Here’s the final table:


Roulette's Most Common Winning Numbers 1. Roulettes Most Common Winning NumbersThis is also a non random pattern on a roulette wheel.And finally, there is a repeat pattern which we know will arise on any roulette wheel youperform. This sample can be decoded by employing the legislation of the third. Attempt thisfor yourself. Whether you prefer playing American, European, or French roulette, among the most frequently asked questions, particularly by new roulette players, is how best to choose the appropriate bets, and what number does roulette go up to in these popular roulette versions.

Most frequently hit roulette numbers list

Roughly speaking, we like single digits best, and the bigger a number is, the less we like it. The table also reveals a shocking indifference towards round numbers. The numbers from two to nine are all in the top ten, but ten is way down in 23rd place, twenty is in 50th and thirty in 69th. Ten is the cornerstone of the decimal system, yet it is not very lovable, possibly because it is always prostituting itself as an approximation.
Some numbers are chosen for their numerical properties, such as the phoenix number, and also the constants π and e. Usually, however, a number is chosen for a personal reason, most commonly because it is the day of the month we were born. Yet the distinction between a numerical and a personal reason is not clear-cut, since there are some numbers that are rarely chosen as favorites even if the person was born on that day. For example, if you were born on the 10th of the month, you are six times less likely to choose 10 as your favorite number than you are likely to choose 7 if you were born on the 7th of the month. If you were born on the 30th you are forty times less likely to choose 30. Some numbers evidently make better favorites than others. (One of the reasons I became so curious about favorite numbers is because I don’t have one, and I couldn’t quite believe that so many other people felt so passionately about them. Now I blame my lack of a favorite number on the fact that I was not born between the 2nd and the 9th of the month.)

Most Frequently Hit Roulette Numbers

Roulette is a game that heavily relies on chance, players bet on a particular number or color that the ball will fall on after its momentum comes to a stop. Just like any other web-based casino game, online roulette also uses the RNG or Random Number Generator principle. It serves the purpose of ensuring that the results of each game is absolutely random and impartial.

Bets can either be placed on adjacent figures, or depending on whether or not the number shall be even or odd. Generally, the Generator uses certain special algorithms to develop long sequences of possible random outcomes. These algorithms are a set of instructions applied in generating random numbers. The values approximately range from 0 to 4 billion and are produced after each millisecond, this translates to a set of unique integers which correspond to the numbers shown on the wheel.

Therefore, basically the outcome of each roulette spin is determined by random numbers chosen by the RNG, this occurs at the moment a player pushes on the Spin button. Despite the game’s randomness, there are certain techniques that you can use to determine the frequency of roulette numbers.

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Betting on Hot Numbers

Hot Numbers are those that emerge as winning bets more often than others during a play. Occasionally, gamers may notice that these numbers are more likely to be successful when chosen, at least for a given duration of time. This explains why they are called ‘Hot’. According to some seasoned roulette players, betting continuously on Hot numbers can lead to improved results and greater winning opportunities.

Most frequently hit roulette numbers list

These integers are those which have appeared more frequently in recent draws. Typically, they are likely to be called out during the next spin as well. To enhance player-confidence when choosing which number to put on their bets, some gaming software have introduced virtual roulette games whereby both Hot and Cold numbers are highlighted.

Most Frequently Hit Roulette Numbers

This allows players to adequately track down their gameplay statistics, and also get hints on which particular numbers have been called-out more often within a given period of time. Nevertheless, the numbers aren’t necessarily repeated in a sequence which is very unlikely to happen. Whether a figure is considered ‘Hot’ or not solely depends on the number of times it emerged successful after a specific amount of spins.

Cold Numbers

‘Cold’ Numbers in roulette are the exact opposite of their Hot counterparts. When certain numbers haven’t been called after a considerable amount of spins, this tendency leaves gamers with the impression that they are soon ‘due’, or it’s just about time they get mentioned.

Since the outcome of online roulette is determined by a Random Number Generator, quite soon the Hot numbers will stop coming up and wagering on them will not be profitable. That’s why some virtual roulette players use the opposite tactics when betting, they stake on Cold numbers since they believe these have a higher chance of winning considering the figures haven’t been mentioned in a long time.

For players who bet on certain Hot numbers but still fail to win repeatedly, it would be prudent to change their tactics. This can easily be done from the comfort of your house, where you play online roulette at your own pace, while keeping pace of the winning integers. It’s even better to write the winning number down on a piece of paper, allowing you to identify the numbers which haven’t come up during the initial thirty or forty wheel-spins.

Most Frequently Hit Roulette Numbers Generator

Most Frequently Hit Roulette Numbers

Adjacent Numbers

In this form of betting, players wager on figures that are close to a certain numerical point they have identified. If one believes a particular number will win, but are not sure of the actual scenario, then they can place bets on its adjacent numbers in whichever sequence they want.

This will improve the chances of winning as one of these numbers is likely to be called up. Additionally, some versions of online roulette allow players to choose exotic ‘Announce bets’ which cover multiple numbers, hence increasing one’s chances of winning.

‘Neighbor’s bet’ is a very popular form of Adjacent Numbers wagering, for instance, if you feel like number 5 has a higher chance of being mentioned, it’s possible to add other four adjacent numbers such as 17 and 23 on the right and 22 and 34 on the left.

In summary, though roulette is a game of chance, experienced players can easily know the most frequent roulette numbers to use for winning.

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