Asda Delivery Slots For Shielded


  1. Asda Delivery Slots For Shielded Wire
  2. Asda Delivery Slots For Shielded Cable

Asda says its home delivery staff have access to protective equipment. Credit: PA Supermarket Sainsbury's has confirmed it is working with Government data to prioritise delivery slots for those. I understand they want to prioritise loyal customers too, but I thought a 90 to 10% split a bit harsh. As such, I couldn't get a slot for about 14 days! ASDA by contrast, offered the same as they did you - priory slots, free delivery and a regular weekly delivery. I use ASDA stores but never tried online. Have placed an order already. Asda in Leeds seems to be struggling with available delivery slots more than anywhere, with all the slots filled up now until December 15. You can still use Click & Collect or visit a store in person.

Asda Delivery Slots For Shielded

Guidance for those that are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable, and those that aren't Clinically Extremely Vulnerable but need food delivered

If you are clinically extremely vulnerable

Clinically extremely vulnerable (shielded) people could register until 2 December 2020 with the Government for priority online supermarket delivery slots from Asda, Iceland, Morrisons, Ocado, Sainsbury’s, Tesco or Waitrose. You can no longer register for access to these slots unless East Devon enters Tier 3 of the Government restrictions.

If you registered with the Government for these priority slots before 2 December 2020, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure, as soon as possible, that you have online accounts with the supermarkets you want to receive deliveries from, using the same email address and contact details you used to register on the Government form. Government guidance states that you can set up accounts with as many of the 7 supermarkets as you want to maximise the chance of being able to access a slot when you need it.
  2. You should have access to these priority slots within 7 days, your preferred supermarket(s) should get in touch with you to confirm.
  3. If after 7 days you haven't heard from your supermarket(s), get in touch with them.
  4. Once you have access to the priority online delivery slots, go online, access your account, book a slot and submit an order in the normal way. The delivery slots available will vary by supermarket so you may want to create an account with more than one supermarket to maximise your chances of accessing a slot when they need it.

Please note:

  • Asda will not be providing priority slots for clinically extremely vulnerable people until after 23 December 2020, you will only be able to access the same slots as their other customers.
  • Sainsbury's will be suspending priority slots between 17 and 27 December 2020 for clinically extremely vulnerable people who haven't shopped with them in the previous 12 weeks.
  • If you don't already have an account with Ocado, you won't be able to access their priority slots for clinically extremely vulnerable people as they've stopped allowing people to create new accounts.

Asda Delivery Slots For Shielded Wire

We understand from the 7 supermarkets that there are now only very limited delivery slots available before and during the Christmas week through this scheme for clinically extremely vulnerable people, and also for normal delivery slots which anyone can access.

If you have difficulty accessing food, due to any of the following or for any other reason, please call our Coronavirus Community Support Hub on 01395 571500 and we'll help if you:

  • didn't register with the Government for online priority shopping slots before 2 December 2020, have explored the other ways of getting food listed below and your needs haven't been met.
  • have difficulty using these online shopping slots.
  • can't do online shopping, have explored the other ways of getting food listed below and your needs haven't been met.
  • are in urgent need of food, have explored the other ways of getting food listed below and your needs haven't been met. Please note our helpline is open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you don't have enough food to last you over a weekend call our emergency out of hours number, 01395 516854.

If you're clinically extremely vulnerable and can't afford food, please see the information on foodbanks and our Hardship Fund below.

For those that aren't Clinically Extremely Vulnerable but need food delivered / other sources of help for those that are

Family and friends

Do you have family or friends that can collect and deliver shopping for you.

Local providers

You can purchase directly from some local producers and retailers that deliver. There are also other local independent shops, farm shops, community shops and wholesalers who have innovated and expanded their services, with some running delivery and/or click and collect services for locals. Some hot food providers such as cafes, restaurants and take-aways will also be doing local deliveries. Details will be available locally and / or online.

If you aren't sure which local businesses could deliver food and other essentials to you, your local town or parish council or your local Coronavirus community effort might be able to tell you.


Supermarkets are prioritising deliveries to those most in need, including elderly or more vulnerable people. If you are healthy and able, not self-isolating and not at greater risk (such as for health reasons or due to your age), supermarkets encourage you to visit in store and leave delivery and click and collect slots for people who need them most.

Information on each main supermarket offering a delivery service are available at the links or numbers below (call charges may apply):

  • Asda, or call 0800 952 0101
  • Coop, or call 0800 0686 727
  • Iceland, or call 0800 328 0800
  • Morrisons, or call 0345 322 0000
  • Sainsbury’s, or call 0800 328 1700
  • Tesco, or call 0800 323 4040
  • Waitrose, or call 0800 188 884

Some supermarkets also offer click and collect services. You order online as you would for a home delivery, the supermarket do your shopping for you and you (or your friend, relative or a volunteer) go pick it up from outside of the store, you don't have to go in.

Services outside of the normal click and collect / home delivery services:

  • Co-op are ordering a same day delivery service in some areas.
  • Morrisons are offering a doorstep delivery service for people who are self-isolating, and also for the elderly and vulnerable who have no access to the internet so need to order by phone. You need to live within 15 miles of Morrisons store. You select your order from a list of 47 commonly bought products. You phone to order and it will be delivered the next day: 0345 611 6111, option 5
  • Sainsbury's are offering a limited phone ordering service to vulnerable people who have no internet access, don't have anyone that can do shopping for them and can't access food any other way. They'll set up an account for you and take your order. Call: 0800 917 8557
  • Morrisons foodboxes. Order from a variety of standard foodboxes online, including boxes for those with dietary needs. Can usually deliver the next day.
  • Asda foodboxes. A limited amount of standard foodboxes available each day, they aim to deliver within 2 days.

You can also view a list of supermarket updates, with the latest information on product restrictions and special opening hours for key workers or elderly shoppers.

Other providers

There are various companies who can provide food deliveries. For example companies that:

Asda delivery slots for shielded connector
  • deliver meal kits, you choose your meals and then the company delivers all the ingredients to your home for you to cook.
  • deliver frozen meals ready for you to heat up. Sometimes these can be ordered by phone.

Other community support

Find out who can help you in your parish or town. If they can't help you then contact the NHS Volunteers.

Asda Delivery Slots For Shielded Cable


Foodbanks provide free food for those that do not have enough money to buy food, usually because:

  • You are struggling financially, need to find out if you’re entitled to benefits and need food in the meantime.
  • Your benefits aren’t being paid yet.
  • Your benefit payments have been delayed.
  • You’ve had an emergency you have had to pay and you no longer have money to buy food.

There are 7 foodbanks that help residents throughout the whole of East Devon.

For a referral from us to a foodbank, and an assessment of how else we may be able to help you financially, please fill in our Financial Hardship form. If you're in urgent need of food, please call our Coronavirus Community Support Hub on 01395 571500. Please note our Hub is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays), if you don't have enough food to last you over a weekend call our emergency out of hours number, 01395 516854.

If you can't get deliveries that meet your needs

If you're Clinically Extremely Vulnerable, self-isolating or need food deliveries for any other reason (for example as you're housebound) and have explored all these options, but have been unable to obtain a delivery that meets your needs, please get in touch with our Coronavirus Community Support Hub on 01395 571500. Please note: our Hub is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays), if you're in urgent need and don't have enough food to last you over a weekend call our emergency out of hours number, 01395 516854.

This morning, Asda’s President and CEO Roger Burnley has written to customers to pledge Asda’s support for over 3,500 care homes across the country, as they continue to care for some of the nation’s most vulnerable people through COVID-19.

Recognising the concerns of Asda’s customers and colleagues around the impact of COVID-19 on care homes, Mr Burnley used his regular email to customers to outline how Asda will be extending its support for the vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic, by offering thousands of small care homes priority access to online delivery slots for the next six months, as well as a donation of 250,000 medical grade face masks to help protect workers and residents.

The offer of support has been sent to 3,500 small care homes who already have their details registered with Asda – inviting them to register for a ‘priority pass’ with the supermarket, giving them early visibility of online slots and the ability to secure a delivery and ensure they have the essentials they need for their residents.

The service is in addition to the 130,000 extremely vulnerable individuals Asda is supporting with regular deliveries as a result of the information on ‘shielded’ individuals provided to supermarkets by Government.

In his email to customers, Roger Burnley, said: “The impact of Covid on our care system has been the subject of numerous news reports in recent days, and the challenges facing our nation’s care homes and the staff who are working so hard to protect some of our most vulnerable people have been heart-breaking to see.

“Giving priority access to these amazing care homes is, I believe, the right thing for us to do – and I am proud, that having built the capacity of our online delivery service in recent weeks from 450,000 slots to 700,000 weekly slots, we are able to do this for our care homes.'

In his email to customers and colleagues, Mr Burnley also said that in addition to providing priority passes for our care homes, the retailer would also be donating 250,000 medical grade masks to care home customers, which are set to be delivered by in the middle of May. Asda’s dedicated Community Champions are also being encouraged to look at how they can extend their existing support to care homes in their local area.

Professor Martin Green OBE, CEO at Care England, said: “Care staff are on the front line of this dreadful pandemic and it is great to see Asda offering practical help and support to Care services and their staff.

'Asda has a long tradition of supporting their local communities and their support for care services at this difficult time is greatly appreciated by us all.“

The offer of additional support to care homes builds on Asda’s existing work to support NHS workers and those who work in the care sector. Since the beginning of lockdown these workers have been offered priority access to Asda’s stores before 9am each Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning—as well as an exclusive browsing hour on Sunday morning, before stores open.

Yesterday, 3rd May, these key workers were also given a £5 voucher to treat themselves during their ‘exclusive’ shopping hour, as a token of appreciation for their efforts.

Read the latest update from Asda CEO Roger Burnley here.

Find out more about how our Community Champions have been supporting care homes here.